How do I submit and view tickets for my organization?
Learn how to submit and view tickets:
Prerequisites: You must have a login to be able to work in the customer portal. If you have not yet created a login, refer to How Do I Sign up for the Customer Portal?
Submitting tickets in the Automox Customer Portal
- After you log in to the Automox Customer portal, the option to Submit a request is available, as shown here:
- Click Submit a request to open our ticket submission page.
- Enter a Subject and Description. These are required fields.
- (Optional) You can add other email addresses, your organization ID, set the priority (based on impact), enter the request type (billing or support), and attach files.
The defaults are as follows:- Customer Priority is priority 3 (Medium)
- Request Type is set to Support.
This is also the default setting for all email-submitted tickets.
- After the ticket is submitted, you can view its status and all updates from the My activities page:
Anyone in your organization can view this ticket as well from the organizational page from the drop-down menu on the same page.
Viewing tickets in the Automox Customer Portal
Prerequisites: You already have a customer portal login. (Sign up for the Customer Portal)
- To view tickets in the customer portal, login using your Automox Customer Portal ID.
- Your name appears where the Sign In button was. This is now a drop-down menu that will help you navigate through the Customer Portal. Let's first navigate to your tickets and activity.
- Click My activities from the drop-down menu as shown here:
- The activities page shows the tickets your organizations have open and the articles you are following. Most users have only one organization, but we show how to navigate between organizations if you have several that could have tickets. This is what the first page should look like:
These are specifically tickets you have submitted. They list the Subject of the ticket, the ticket number, the time it was created, the last activity from yourself or Automox Support, and the current status (Open, Awaiting your Reply, and Solved). - The status of a ticket can be as follows:
- Open: A ticket is waiting on the support engineer from Automox to reply back to you, the customer.
- Awaiting your Reply: The ticket has a reply from the support engineer and is looking for input from you the customer.
- Solved: The ticket is believed to be finished and resolved. Do not worry; if you believe this issue is not resolved or it happens again, you can reopen the ticket within 30 days and continue to engage with support here at Automox on the issue.
- You can click on each of these tickets to open them and see the history of replies, attachments, and linked KBs like this:
- You can see who else is CC'd in this conversation, the priority level, the date of creation, and the last activity of the ticket.
- For those in multi-organizations with several organizations submitting tickets, you can find the organization ID here. This helps when you need to know which organization the support/billing ticket is for.
- If you want to see your organization's tickets (tickets submitted for an organization), go to My activities -> Requests and click the Organization requests tab, as shown here:
The Organization requests page looks similar to this:
For most users, this shows you all your organization's tickets, similar to the activity from the previous page. You can interact with these in the exact same way as on the My Activities page. - If you wish to see another organization's tickets you are part of, you can navigate to those organizations in the drop-down list on this page called Organization:
The drop-down list shows you all of the organizations you are currently part of. Use this to quickly navigate between the organization's tickets.