This article describes how to switch from patching with SCCM to utilizing Automox with Windows Updates. Read the instructions all the way through before beginning the process to avoid service interruptions for your end-users.
Removing SCCM Secondary Sites
To remove SCCM secondary sites, they must be decommissioned.
Decommission Secondary Sites
You must have Domain/Global/Enterprise Administrator permissions. Start with this step:
Remove the Infrastructure Administrator/Full Administrator Rolls on the Parent Primary Site for the Secondary Site being decommissioned.
From the Configuration Manager, follow these steps:
Select the Administration workspace
Expand Site Configuration
Select the Site Server Node being decommissioned
In the ribbon Select the Home Tab
In the Site Group Select Delete
On the General page choose to Uninstall or Delete the Secondary Site
Removing SCCM Primary Sites
Before you can remove SCCM primary sites, follow these planning instructions:
- Create reports of all dependency settings:
Boundary Groups
Fallback Relationships
Site Rolls
Investigate if Static References have been set to point at the Primary Site
Site-Specific Cloud Attached Services
Site-based OS Deployment Media
Site System Rolls
- If you want an easy way to create all the required configuration reports, check out this GitHub link:
Verify the user permissions:
Local Administrator rights on the CAS Server
Domain/Sysadmin/Global/Enterprise Administrator rights on the CAS site Database
Infrastructure/Full Administrator security role on the CAS
Uninstall the Primary Site
From the primary site, open Configuration Manager Setup
Navigate to the Configuration Manager installation media directory and open
In the directory where Configuration Manager is installed, open
On the Getting Started page, select Uninstall a Configuration Manager Site
- Make sure the following options are enabled. Both removal options are enabled by default:
- Remove the site database from the primary site server
- Remove the Configuration Manager console
- Select Yes to remove the primary site
Create a GPO report to identify any GPOs that influence the patching source.
Function Get-GPOReportFolderifMissing { if (!(test-path -path "C:\GPOReports")) {new-item -path "C:\GPOReports" -itemtype directory} } Get-GPOReportFolderifMissing Function Get-GPOReportifMissing { $date = get-date -format "MM.dd.yyyy" if (!(test-path -path "C:\GPOReports\GPOReport$date.html")){Get-GPOReport -All -ReportType HTML -Path "C:\GPOReports\GPOReport$date.html"} Invoke-Item -path "C:\GPOReports\GPOReport$date.html" } Get-GPOReportifMissing
Remove any references that would statically set the patching source to the SCCM infrastructure.
Automox Worklet
From the Automox console, create a worklet.
Select Manage → Worklet Catalog
Find and select the Worklet: Reset Windows Update Settings
Click Create Policy
Assign the policy to the Groups of devices that will now use Windows Updates instead of SCCM.
Edit and update each Group:
Under Edit Group → OS Patch Management, set the Patching Source to Windows Update
Save the updated Group settings.
It’s now time to schedule the policy to run
Note: The policy requires an immediate reboot after being run.
If the instructions are followed as described, you will remove SCCM dependencies from your environment and successfully set Automox to patch your devices using Windows Update.