Upgrade to Windows 11 - Upgrade Assistant

Upgrade to Windows 11 - Upgrade Assistant

This article describes how to upgrade a Windows 10 device to Windows 11 using the Microsoft Upgrade Assistant, and an Automox Worklet. Before running the upgrade, make sure to run through the Windows 11 Readiness Check Worklet. You can find this in the console under Manage > Worklet Catalog.

If you want to use the Registry to point Windows Updates to naturally upgrade to Windows 11, see the following article.

Windows Feature Update - Registry Worklet


  1. Successfully passed the Windows 11 Readiness Check Worklet from the Worklet Catalog
  2. Download the Microsoft Windows Upgrade Assistant from the following location: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2171764

Creating the Worklet

The first thing to do is create a new worklet.

  1. Follow the steps to create a worklet, see Creating a Worklet.
  2. For the Evaluation code, enter Exit 1. You already ran the Readiness Check, so nothing else is required in this field.


  3. For the Remediation Code, the only thing that you should change is the directory of where you want the installation assistant to be located. Here is the code to be pasted into your Remediation Section:
    #Change $directory to wherever you would like to keep the Windows 11 Installation Assistant
    $directory = 'C:\Windows11'

    #Please do NOT rename the download, as it should reflect Windows11InstallationAssistant.exe in order to work as intended
    #Do not change the following
    $assistantLocation = "$($directory)\Windows11InstallationAssistant.exe"

    #Create the directory at the patch designated above
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $directory -Force
    #Moving Installation Assistant from temp drive from Automox to the directory specified above
    Move-Item -Path .\Windows11InstallationAssistant.exe -Destination $directory
    #Start Running the Installation Assistant
    Start-Process -FilePath $assistantLocation -ArgumentList '/quietinstall /skipeula /auto upgrade /copylogs $directory'


  4. Add the Windows11InstallationAssistant.exe file to the Worklet in the section after the remediation code.

The worklet should output logs to the location of the directory that the installation assistant was moved into in case you want to review any potential failures.
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