Linux Reboot Worklet

How do I create a reboot worklet to be able to reboot my Linux devices consistently?


  1. Open the Automox console. Go to Manage > Policies and then click Create Policy.
  2. Name the policy something unique that will identify what this policy is for and then select Linux under the operating system.
    If you are ready, go ahead and assign a group of devices to this policy to be able to test it. Please be sure you use a Dev or Test group and not a Production group for testing.
  3. Under Scope for the Evaluation and Remediation code, use what is shown.
    Note: For Linux and Unix devices this is case sensitive. Linux requires lower case characters as seen here.
  4. You can skip the Payload section and for scheduling you can set a schedule or leave it blank. The last step is to set the user notifications. We recommend using the settings as shown here. This will not put any prompts up on the device and it will just reboot the device.mceclip2.png
  5. You are now all set to use this worklet to reboot your Linux devices.


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