Using 64-bit PowerShell Code with Automox
By default, the Automox agent runs 32-bit PowerShell because it is a 32-bit application. However, certain tasks may require 64-bit PowerShell. This guide explains how to pass 64-bit PowerShell code through an Automox Worklet using a scriptBlock.
Script Format
To execute 64-bit PowerShell code, use the following script format:
$scriptBlock = { YOURCODEHERE }
$exitCode = & "$env:SystemRoot\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" `
-ExecutionPolicy Bypass `
-WindowStyle Hidden `
-NoProfile `
-NonInteractive `
-Command $scriptBlock
- $scriptBlock:
This is where you define the PowerShell commands or script that you want to execute. Replace YOURCODEHERE with the actual commands. - Calling 64-bit PowerShell:
The path $env:SystemRoot\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe ensures the 64-bit version of PowerShell is invoked, even though the Automox agent runs as a 32-bit application. The sysnative directory provides a way for 32-bit processes to access 64-bit system files. - PowerShell Flags:
- ExecutionPolicy Bypass: Allows the script to run regardless of the system’s PowerShell execution policy settings.
- WindowStyle Hidden: Prevents the PowerShell window from appearing during execution.
- NoProfile: Runs PowerShell without loading any user profiles, ensuring a clean environment.
- NonInteractive: Prevents the script from prompting the user for input, ensuring automated execution.