Deploying the Automox Agent to Windows Devices with PDQ Deploy

Create a deployment package for Windows devices in PDQ Deploy

This article describes how to create a packaged deployment of the Automox agent with PDQ Deploy.

Download the Automox agent installation package

  1. From the Automox console, select the Devices tab.
  2. Click Add Devices.
  3. Copy the user key from the Add Devices dialog window.
  4. Choose Windows as the operating system. 
  5. Click Download Installer.
  6. Move the installer to a directory location that PDQ Deploy has access to for installs.

Deploy with PDQ Deploy

  1. Log in to your PDQ server and select File > New Folder in the menu.
  2. Select the Details tab, and fill in the following information as follows:
    • Name: Automox Installer
    • Version: (Optional) The version of the Automox agent you are deploying
    • Description: (Optional) A description of the package

  3. Select the Options tab.

    • Change the Run As option to Local System. The deployment is run as the Local System account on the target computer.
  4. Select Steps on the left under Properties, and then navigate to the Details tab.

    • From the Install File drop-down menu, select the Automox agent you downloaded.
    • Go to Command Line and select the Custom checkbox.
    • Insert the following syntax and be sure to replace YOUR_ZONE_KEY with your user key from the Add Devices dialog window. In addition, replace Automox_Installer-latest.msi with the name of the MSI you're deploying that you dowloaded earlier.
      msiexec.exe /i "Automox_Installer-latest.msi" /qn /norestart ACCESSKEY=YOUR_ZONE_KEY 
  5. Save your deployment and run it against your desired Windows devices.
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