macOS Notification Troubleshooting Guide

If you are experiencing issues with Automox notifications not appearing on a macOS device, follow the steps below to troubleshoot:


  1. Ensure the Automox agent is installed and running on the macOS device.
  2. Verify that system notifications are enabled for Automox in macOS System Preferences.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Open the Terminal on the device experiencing the issue.
  2. Navigate to the Automox application directory by entering the following command:
    cd /Library/Application\ Support/Automox
  1. Execute the Automox Notifier application:
    open Automox\
  1. Check for a notification pop-up window in the upper-right corner of the screen. The notification should look similar to this:

Next Steps

  1. Check your main desktop to ensure it’s not hidden behind open windows.
  2. If still not visible, submit a Support Ticket with the following information:
    • Device name
    • Automox agent version
    • macOS version
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