macOS Notification Troubleshooting Guide
If you are experiencing issues with Automox notifications not appearing on a macOS device, follow the steps below to troubleshoot:
- Ensure the Automox agent is installed and running on the macOS device.
- Verify that system notifications are enabled for Automox in macOS System Preferences.
Troubleshooting Steps
- Open the Terminal on the device experiencing the issue.
- Navigate to the Automox application directory by entering the following command:
cd /Library/Application\ Support/Automox
- Execute the Automox Notifier application:
open Automox\
- Check for a notification pop-up window in the upper-right corner of the screen. The notification should look similar to this:
Next Steps
- Check your main desktop to ensure it’s not hidden behind open windows.
- If still not visible, submit a Support Ticket with the following information:
- Device name
- Automox agent version
- macOS version