What to Do When Automox Doesn't Find a CVE

What to do when Automox doesn't find a CVE

In rare instances, your vulnerability detection solution might find a CVE in your environment that does not appear as an available patch on the Automox software page.

This is sometimes caused by a superseded patch, but other times it is because Automox did not receive the CVE information.


Copy the CVE ID (i.e. CVE-2022-2294) and paste it in the search box here: https://cve.mitre.org/cve/search_cve_list.html

This will give you information regarding the details of the CVE as well as the patch or version upgrade required to mitigate it. Searching Google for the CVE ID will often yield helpful results as well.

You can then search your Automox software page for the available patch or version upgrade and install it using a patch policy or worklet.

Note: Automox does not get CVE data for third-party applications and patches.


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