What Happens When a Patch Policy Fails?

What happens when a patch policy fails?

When a patch policy fails, what happens next depends on how many packages were included in the patch run. If there was one, and it fails, then the whole thing fails. But what happens when there are multiple packages included in the policy run?

In this case, there are two kinds of fails:

  1. The patch fails at the first patch update, and nothing else patches.
    • There is nothing that can be remediated about this. The update error needs to be addressed, and then the patch policy can be attempted again.
  2. The patch doesn't immediately fail. The failure happens, for example, towards the end, or at the middle, or at the end.
    • The patch updates that occur before the failed patch should still be applied, and you should have nothing to worry about. However, the patch errors will still need to be remedied before the next patch policy iteration.
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