From the Manage → Policies or Manage → Groups page, you can manage how policies and groups are assigned to each other.
Prerequisites: You must have the required permissions to manage group assignments. For details, see Roles and Permissions.
The following topics are described here:
Associating Groups with a Policy
You can associate a group or multiple groups with a policy from the Policies page or from the Edit Policy page.
To associate a group from the Policies page, follow these steps:
From Manage → Policies, find the name of the policy that you want to associate a group(s) with.
On the right, click Actions → Associate Groups for that policy.
In the Associate Groups dialog window, select the group or groups that you want to associate with the policy and click Associate.
To associate a group from the Edit Policy page, follow these steps:
From Manage → Policies, find the name of the policy that you want to associate a group with.
Click the name of the policy to open the Edit Policy page.
On the right side of the Edit Policy page, click Associate Groups.
In the Associate Groups dialog window, select the group or groups that you want to associate with the policy and click Associate.
Click Save Policy.
Associating Policies with a Group
You can associate a policy or multiple policies with a group from the Groups page or from the Edit Group page.
To associate a policy from the Groups page, follow these steps:
From the Manage → Groups page, find the name of the group that you want to associate a policy with.
On the right, click Actions → Associate Policies.
In the Associate Policies dialog window, select the policy or policies that you want to associate with the group and click OK.
To associate policies from the Edit Group page, follow these steps:
From the Manage → Groups page, click the name of the group to open the Edit Group page.
On the right side of the Edit Group page, click Associate Policies.
In the Associate Policies dialog window, select the policy or policies that you want to associate with the group and click OK.
Click Update Group.
Removing an Associated Policy from a Group
You can remove a policy from a group from the Groups page or Edit Group page.
From the Manage → Groups page, click the name of the group to open the Edit Group page.
Remove an associated policy by clicking on the minus sign ( - ) next to the policy name on the right.
Click Save Group to confirm.
Removing an Associated Group from a Policy
You can remove a group from a policy from the Policy page or Edit Policy page.
From the Manage → Policies page, click the name of the policy to open the Edit Policy page.
Remove an associated group by clicking on the minus sign ( - ) next to the group name on the right.
Click Save Policy to confirm.
Scheduling a Policy for Immediate Remediation
From Manage → Policies, find the name of the policy.
On the right, click Actions → Run Policy. A dialog box warning appears.
Click Run Policy or Cancel.
Note: Manually executing a worklet triggers the remediation script regardless of the compliance status of the device. Use this with caution.