How to Find Application Names and Versions for Required Software Policies

With these instructions you can obtain the information you need to set up required software policies for your operating system:


  • Install the desired software on a test machine.

  • Navigate to the Control Panel and select Programs and Features.

  • Use the example here to find the values from your machine and fill in the Package Name and Version in the Automox console.


  • Install the desired software on a test machine.

  • Navigate to the Applications folder and find the application you installed.

  • Right click on the application and select Get Info.


  • Use the values circled below to fill in the Package Name and Version field.



  • Install the desired software on a test machine

  • Based on your version of Linux, use the respective command listed here to show your installed software:

    • Debian: aptitude search ~i --disable-columns -V -F "%p|%v" 

    • CentOS: repoquery --plugins --pkgnarrow=installed -a --qf "%{name}.%{arch}|%{version}-%{release}" 

    • Fedora: dnf repoquery --installed --qf "%{name}.%{arch}|%{version}-%{release}" 

    • RedHat: repoquery --plugins --pkgnarrow=installed -a --qf "%{name}.%{arch}|%{version}-%{release}” 

    • Amazon: repoquery --pkgnarrow=installed -a --qf "%{name}.%{arch}|%{version}-%{release}" 

    • SUSE: zypper se -is | egrep "^. | " | grep -v "S | Name" | awk '{OFS = "|"; ORS = "\n"; NAME=$3"."$9; VERSION=$7;  print NAME,VERSION;}'

  • Use the values circled in this example to fill in the Package Name and Version in the Automox console.


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