You can silently deploy the Automox agent on Windows devices using the Windows installer .msi file. You can deploy to a destination group that can also be under a parent group. Follow the command examples to ensure desired group deployment.
Deploying to a destination group using Windows installer
Download the latest Automox agent from this link:
To execute the installer, modify the command to use your access key. The access key can be retrieved in the console from the Settings → Secrets & Keys tab, or from the Add Devices dialog. (Replace "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" in the command with your access key.)
To ensure the agent deploys to a specific group, add the group name in following format: (GROUP="Default Group/Group Name")
Installer command
msiexec.exe /i "Automox_Installer-latest.msi" /qn /norestart ACCESSKEY=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY GROUP="Default Group/My Destination Group"
Example 1
In the following example command, the access key is 12345-789-0 and the destination group is "Accounts Payable".
msiexec.exe /i "Automox_Installer-latest.msi" /qn /norestart ACCESSKEY=12345-789-0 GROUP="Default Group/Accounts Payable"
Example 2
In the following example command, the access key is 12345-789-0 and the destination group is "Accounts Payable", which is under the parent group "Finance".
msiexec.exe /i "Automox_Installer-latest.msi" /qn /norestart ACCESSKEY=12345-789-0 GROUP="Finance/Accounts Payable"
Note: Your destination group can either be under a parent group or stand alone. A parent group parameter is only required if the destination group is under a parent group. If you do not specify a parent group, it ignores the group assignment.
Deploying to a destination group using PowerShell
You can also deploy using PowerShell. Use the following command:
Start-Process 'msiexec.exe' -ArgumentList '/i "Automox_Installer-latest.msi" /qn /norestart ACCESSKEY=YOUR_ORGANIZATION_KEY GROUP="Default Group/My Destination Group"'
The requirements related to the "GROUP=" parameter for the installer also apply here. You must specify a parent group or no group assignment will follow. See also Deploying on Windows Using PowerShell.